Shadow Man

By Margaret McGoverne

We snuggled in the dark, the two of us, breath held, waiting for Shadow Man to materialise again. We recited our wishes in whispers, and Bella’s cold feet wriggled on my legs. Every few minutes the show reset as the window lit up, painting a fleeting portrait of a face, Shadow Man’s face, on the ceiling. We were granted another chance.

Continue reading “Shadow Man”


Welcome to the very new site; every quarter we will publish new short fiction up to 500 words in length, as well as issuing a free PDF issue of all the stories we publish. We have an About page, one for Submissions and a page for discussion about what constitutes flash fiction, kicked off with an article by yours truly discussing the renaissance in short and micro fiction.

We are also on Twitter; please add us, and submit a short story!

In keeping with the start of this new literary/editorial venture that I’m embarking upon in reckless fashion, the theme for the first issue of strippedlit500 will be…..New Beginnings.

We have already had some fantastic submissions, and I am looking forward to our first edition, to be published at the beginning of May. Submissions are open until 30th April, so why not put your writing cap on and submit us your take on New Beginnings
